Ahad Ali, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lawrence Technological University

21000 West Ten Mile Road

Southfield, MI 48075

Tel: 248-204-2531, Fax: 248-204-2576

Email: aali@ltu.edu 

Center for Manufacturing Systems Intelligence (CMSI)

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Center for Manufacturing Systems Intelligence


Lawrence Technological University

Mission and Vision

The mission of the Center for Manufacturing Systems Intelligence (CMSI) is to enhance the manufacturing systems intelligence through modeling, simulation and optimization and integrate with decision support systems. The center aims to develop the fundamental knowledge base to capture manufacturing system behaviors, intelligent decision support tools and integrate with business platform. The vision of the center is to be recognized for the excellence in manufacturing systems research and applications to enhance the productivity and competitiveness.

Research Projects:


Research Areas:




Ahad Ali, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lawrence Technological University

21000 West Ten Mile Road

Southfield, MI 48075

Tel: 248-204-2531, Fax: 248-204-2576

Email: aali@ltu.edu